
Ask and You Shall Receive

Lately, I've been struggling in the area of finances. I've wished we had more money, so we could live "better" and be "happier". Well, God really does know our hearts, because that is exactly what church was about on Sunday. Rick preached a sermon titled Profit and Loss. You can listen to it here:

Some of the key points I took out of it:
- We have inflated the assets of our economy that we think can give us joy.
- The things of this world were not meant to provide the level of value that our relationship with Christ can.
- The status of this world is just Monopoly money.

It was extremely convicting. And of course, as all of you already could have guessed, God decided to test me this week. Eric isn't used to having to put in time sheets to get paid, so he forgot all summer, and last week, got paid a lump sum. You can only imagine what Eric and I wanted to do! We wanted to put it towards a vacation next year, and Eric wanted to  print some of the gorgeous pictures that he's been taking, and I wanted to go back-to-school shopping. Our initial reaction was "we've lived on so little for so long, we can afford to spend some of this". Then, the very next day my extremely reliable 7 year old car started making a HORRENDOUS noise. It was an engine problem which immediately brought Eric and I back to reality.

So we prayed. 

And now we're praising God for what is a cheaper fix than what we imagined!

 Psalm 66:20
Praise God, who did not ignore my prayer
or withdraw his unfailing love from me.

Isn't it so relieving to know that no matter how many times we screw up and make life about selfish desires that God will never withdraw his unfailing love for us? 

(And in case you're wondering.... We've learned from God's lesson and we put the rest of the money in savings and towards our school loans.)

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Rejoicing with you both. Praising God for allowing you to have the car fixed for less, but more importantly, for your humble attitude and submission to God. I thank God for your desire to please Him, seek Him, worship Him, and live for Him. It is true, ONLY He can satisfy our deepest longings and fill our hearts. As wealthy American Christians, we battle the ongoing challenge to allow "things" to distract us from the real purpose of life which is to "love God and enjoy Him forever". Thanks for posting such a great story. It is encouraging and brought great joy to my heart as I read it. Love you!